
The accidental landlord

What are the requirements and obligations of a landlord? Britain is a nation of accidental landlords. Life changes, you need to move and for various reasons the only way to do it is to rent out your flat. It happens all the time. Thousands of us are landlords without ever meaning to be. And once… Read more »

The residents’ concierge

Who can afford the luxury of a concierge service? There are many luxuries that only the rich and famous can afford. A concierge service isn’t one of them. Picture this… As you crouch down to check your appearance in the mirror on the floor – it’s been there for months now, will it ever go… Read more »

The Easy Flat Management Guide

A simple trick to get your relationship with your landlords working. Rented properties in your block can be a headache. The owner isn’t on site. You don’t have a relationship with the tenant. What happens when things go wrong? When washing is hung on the balconies against the terms of the lease? Or the family… Read more »